Brandon Partners is a globally respected training firm that teaches Interpersonal Savvy skills as an influence competency and cultivates the often ignored workplace competency of Organizational/Political Savvy.
Brandon Partners is the preeminent thought leader on transforming organizational politics from a taboo topic to an ethical and motivating channel for strategic influence and leadership effectiveness. Our history is rooted in Organizational Savvy, but our Straight Talk book and courses turn communication skills into a competitive advantage that drives results and accountability.

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Workshops and Books

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Why Interpersonal Savvy?
Our Interpersonal Savvy courses and new Straight Talk book transcend typical “touchy-feely charm school” approaches. We convert soft skills into hard results –– by honing world-class communication skills that improve results, build accountability, reduce stress and time-draining relationship problems, foster innovation, and enhance engagement and retention.
A Business Case for Interpersonal Savvy
Why Organizational Savvy?
Our Organizational Savvy courses and Wall Street Journal bestseller book teach skills for navigating company politics and power dynamics with integrity. This cutting-edge competency wasn’t on the map years ago, but now is mission-critical to enhance influence and impact, foster career growth, build high-integrity leadership bench strength, and empower all functions as strategic business partners with a "seat at the table."
A Business Case for
Organizational Savvy
"Brandon and Seldman's fresh approach to a taboo topic is as entertaining as it is inspiring. Survival of the Savvy will teach you how to avoid the ego trips and journey with others to greatness." - Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One-Minute Manager and Customer Mania!
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“It was one of the best classes I’ve ever attended, but I’m sure you hear that all the time … Kept me engaged the ENTIRE two days … Excellent course and materials that can all be used … “The most engaging and interactive virtual course in the marketplace … No falling asleep here!”