Volume Order Awards Assume Hardback or Ebook Orders by April 15, 2022 and Bulk Shipping at Cost Additional.
To Order, Call Brandon Partners at 415-389-4740 or Email to BulkOrder@BrandonPartners.com].

100+ Books: 
Hardback= $22 ($25 retail) OR Ebooks = $12 ($13 retail)                                              
Hardback Books signed by Rick Brandon, Ph.D.
Online Straight Talk Self-Assessment with Robust Feedback Report 

200+ Books:                                                                                                         
Hardback = $20 ($25 retail) OR Ebooks = $11 ($13 retail) 

All of the above PLUS:   
25 weekly Straight Talk Application Email Series (Sent by Brandon Partners)
6-minute video of Dr. Brandon using the G.A.I.N.-ing Commitment skills    

350+ Books:                                                                                                       
Hardback $18.75 ($25 retail) OR $10 ($13 retail)
All of the above PLUS (Hardbacks Only):                  
Dr. Brandon Live Webinar, Unlimited Attendance (75 min.)

1,000+ Books:                                                                                                       
Hardback $18.00 ($25 retail) OR Ebooks = $9 ($13 retail)  
Hardback Books signed by Rick Brandon, Ph.D.
Online Straight Talk Self-Assessment with Robust Feedback Report
25 weekly Straight Talk Application Email Series (Sent by Brandon Partners)                
6-minute video of Dr. Brandon using the G.A.I.N.-ing Commitment skills
(Hardbacks Only) Half-Day Virtual or Live Workshop (4 hours) with Dr. Brandon, Unlimited Attendance                                                                     

[NOTE: Any reader can go to the Reinforcement Tools page to receive: Straight Talk Exercises Journal, Paper-and-Pencil Straight Talk Self-Assessment, Straight Talk Meetings Tool Kit for weaving the skills into team meetings, and tips for Debriefing the Book With Your Boss.]

To order, call Brandon Partners at 415-389-4740 or email to BulkOrder@BrandonPartners.com