Brandon Partners offers several lengths of our engaging, highly interactive Organizational Savvy webinar:
- Three 4-hour modules (see Course Description)
- Two 4-hour modules (see Course Description)
- Two 2-hour modules (see Course Description)
- One 2-hour module (see Course Description)
Deliverables for Any Length Webinar
Prework 65-item Online Organizational Savvy Self-Assessment
Webinar Participant “Workbooklets”
Bestseller Book/ebook: Survival of the Savvy
Follow-up Tools and 52 Weekly Email Tips

Our Organizational Savvy Webinar clients confirm that our virtual programs are state-of-the-art designs that are the most engaging, interactive, and collaborative in the industry. One client even required that another training vendor converting a program into a virtual class for them first consult with Brandon Partners on webinar best practices, since they viewed us as the standard bearers.

I literally tried to leave the webinar showcase you presented, but found it too hard! Every minute you’d change up the presentation and have us use one of the collaborative webinar tools in ways that kept me involved. I couldn’t check emails or become disengaged.
We’re really happy with the Organizational Savvy Webinar feedback. One participant wrote me thanking me for offering it, saying it was by far the most engaging, interactive webinar she’d ever experienced.