Keynote Presentation Testimonials

You were a real ‘crowd pleaser’ which is quite an accomplishment when you are trying to design and deliver a program that satisfies such a diverse group of Deans, Academicians and Directors. The standard/bar for excellence is so high… these days that only the best of the best seem able to rise to the level of expectations here. Congratulations on being a member of this small and elite group. Since your workshop, many of the participants have commented to me about your ability to put your program in the context of the others in the series and to provide superior and unforgettable instruction on a topic that you are clearly an expert on. The participants were also unanimous about how valuable the program content was in terms of providing them with additional models within which they can more readily appreciate and capitalize on different management styles. Thank you for sharing your exceptional program with us.

Director of HR
Major US Business School

This was really very helpful yesterday and gave me some real hope…I was floundering a bit how that I am a part of a large company. I’m a smart guy and fast learner, good with analysis and languages, but nobody teaches you this language and analysis skill set. You threw me a valuable line. I thank you.

Alan Amberg, Regional HIV Specialist
Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy

Dr. Rick Brandon truly impressed and impacted our entire Sales and Marketing force at our annual national meeting. He gained quick rapport and credibility with our people since he is a powerful speaker, and it was clear he’d done his homework and knows the world of corporate sales. Besides having a novel and memorable approach, Rick is a very funny and informative professional. I’m confident our people will benefit for months to come, since people are more likely to remember and implement what they learned.

Joe Keegan, CEO
Molecular Devices Corporation

Everyone knows how informative, educational, entertaining, the abundance of knowledge you shared brought to all who attended your presentation of “Organizational Savvy.”…You are brilliant.

Various Participants
Department of Veterans Affairs

I was impressed with the balance of motivation, education, and humor you used to deliver your message. The key is our sales organization really connected with you. I have never had so many positive comments about a self improvement and motivational speaker as I did this year from your presentation.

Mike Wilcox, VP

Dr. Brandon is a very talented individual. His capacity for understanding one’s business, seemingly any business, and then incorporating important information into an entertaining event is superb. The audience was captivated at times, on its feet at times, and always engaged. Nobody wanted to leave the room even for a smoke break for fear you’d miss something outrageous, and beneficial. Brandon Partners will impress you immeasurably with its talented, comedic approach to your everyday business challenges and opportunities.

Paul Frechette, SVP
Heller Financial, Inc.

The course material, content and delivery were exceptional. The participants from the first session have spread the word that this was one of the best courses they have ever taken. My thanks to Dr. Rick Brandon… for providing such a successful addition to our Management Development curriculum


Rick is at the top of his game. He takes the mystique out of office politics and offers many tools on how to approach the issue. In addition to positive comments about his overall model, evaluations mentioned his section on “buzz,” the opinions circulating about you, as especially informative, as well as his section on the “elevator speech. I would have him back in Minneapolis anytime.

Chairperson Feedback
Institute for Management Studies

It was a pleasure meeting at the Con Edison session! It was a very rewarding session for me. I found out that I’m under political which has led to missed opportunities and insufficient network. I’m looking forward to receiving your book to improve my political tactics. Thank you

Con Edison

I feel awakened and will strive to become more aware, understanding, tolerant, flexible and responsive toward the political environment and people with …power… I shall overcome! … The material was enlightening, but more importantly, … you were simply marvelous and I feel fortunate to have met you.

Participant in Organizational Savvy: Avoiding Your Political Blind Spots
Citibank Business Services

Dr. Rick Brandon was a great hit at this year’s MDC worldwide sales meeting. He delivered the message we wanted with total credibility. Our sales people started the session with a healthy degree of skepticism, but soon changed their minds. He is not your “typical” motivational speaker. He brings true-life experiences to his presentation that people can relate to. His sales background allows him to speak from experience that we can all relate to. His ability to remember unique information about all of our people was a great indicator of the quality of his preparation and a key factor in establishing his credibility. I received numerous comments throughout the week from a large number of the participants on the value of the presentation. We all benefited from the presentation both at a professional and at a personal level.

Tony Lima, Senior V.P. Sales and Service
Molecular Devices Corporation

“It was one of the best classes I’ve ever attended, but I’m sure you hear that all the time … Kept me engaged the ENTIRE two days … Excellent course and materials that can all be used … “The most engaging and interactive virtual course in the marketplace … No falling asleep here!”

Various Participants, Fortune 5 Banks, Fortune 500 Insurance Company

Extremely applicable in all aspects of life. Good framework for demystifying politics and approach. Rick was a dynamo, engaging, effective and knowledgeable, experienced…It was all great, good use of humor. Rick is a fabulous presenter-very engaging!

Various Participants
Institute for Management Studies