Rick Brandon

Just DO IT!
Seriously, your learning from reading the book will be enhanced through the tools you’ll find on this page.

Thank you for reading STRAIGHT TALK: Influence Skills for Collaboration and Commitment. I hope you find ongoing value in these skills. Clearly, the acid test of any book or training workshop experience is whether “the learning sticks.” While you cannot totally control the aftermath of a learning event, these Reinforcement and Sustainability Tools will help you retain and build upon your skills. Good luck!

Straight Talk Self-Assessment: Complete this 15-minute assessment questionnaire to rate what your interpersonal influence skills were BEFORE and now AFTER reading the book. Next, download the Scoring and Interpretation Report for instructions on how to arrive at your Overall Score and individual Skill Set Scores, as well as practical recommendations for improvement based upon your skill levels. 

Briefing and Coaching Guide: Share your learning about Straight Talk Skills with your team as well as further your own expertise.

Action Planning and Debriefing Booklet: Use this tool to capture your insights and behavior changes needed for each Skill Set. Then check out the 2-page guide for discussing your learning and action steps with your boss.

Straight Talk Meeting Toolbox: This booklet contains techniques for weaving Straight Talk interpersonal performance skills into your staff meetings, task forces, quality groups, and other gatherings. You’ll learn to structure active listening, assertive speaking, communication skills improvement, and other interpersonal strategies into your meetings while increasing the decision-making and group process skills of your team.

Straight Talk Mini-Talk Videos: Gain access to nine quick, dynamic videos of Dr. Rick Brandon presenting various skill sets.

Blocks to Skill Implementation: After any reading or training, it’s helpful to contemplate your level of skill transfer to the job and plan to remove any blocks to your learning having a lasting impact. This screening tool identifies possible reasons for not optimally implementing the Straight Talk Skills, and gives you some tips for removing these typical obstacles.

Bulk Order Reinforcement Gifts: If you lead a team, department, division, or entire organization, consider ordering the Straight Talk book in larger quantities. To receive volume discounts and the special reinforcement gifts listed here, please email or call 415-389-4740.